Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Do I need a CVI to bring animals into my state?
A: Check for Interstate Transport Requirements here. Buyer is responsible for any required health certifications for transport.
Q: I'm looking to buy an animal for consumption. What are my options?
A: We sell live animals direct to consumer from the ranch or deliver your animal to our local processor for pick up
Q: How are pasture raised animals from local farms different than commercially produced meat?
A: Meat, eggs, and dairy products from animals raised on forage and pasture improves the welfare of the animals, helps to put an end to environment degradation, helps small-scale ranchers and farmers make a living from the land, helps to sustain rural communities, and gives your family the healthiest food possible. Learn more.
Q: What is Scrapies?
A: Scrapie is a fatal, degenerative disease affecting the central nervous system of sheep and goats. Learn more.
Q. What is a heritage breed?
A: "Heritage breeds are traditional livestock breeds that were raised by our forefathers. These are the breeds of a bygone era, before industrial agriculture became a mainstream practice. These breeds were carefully selected and bred over time to develop traits that made them well-adapted to the local environment and they thrived under farming practices and cultural conditions that are very different from those found in modern agriculture" - The Livestock Conservancy
Learn More - Goats:
Click here to learn more about how the Kiko breed was developed
Click here to learn more about how companies and farmers are using goats for brush control
New to goats? Check out Fias Co Farm - they are a treasure trove of information
Goat diseases can be quite different than other species. While there is no replacement for a trusted vet relationship, this page can give you some ideas on when it's time to call for help and what to watch out for in your herd
Animals don't usually plan their emergencies around human schedules, and sometimes that means your vet isn't available when you need help. This site will connect you with long time breeders to help in a pinch.
Learn More - Cattle:
Learn More - Beekeeping:
Learn More - Farming and Homesteading:
Learn More - Painted Desert Sheep:
Learn More - Livestock Conservation:​